geometric group theory

Random graph products of finite groups are rational duality groups

Michael Davis
Matthew Kahle
Pager Type: 

Journal of Topology

Publication date: 
Monday, February 3, 2014
Given a Bernoulli random graph $G \sim G(n,p)$, we determine various facts about the cohomology of graph products of groups for the graph $G$. In particular, the random graph product of a sequence of finite groups is a rational duality group with probability tending to $1$ as $n \to \infty$. This includes random right angled Coxeter groups as a special case.
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The fundamental group of random 2-complexes

Eric Babson
Christopher Hoffman
Matthew Kahle
Pager Type: 

Journal of the American Mathematical Society

Publication date: 
Saturday, January 1, 2011
We study Linial-Meshulam random $2$-complexes, which are two-dimensional analogues of Erdős–Rényi random graphs. We find the threshold for simple connectivity to be roughly $p = n^{-1/2}$. (The exponent is sharp.) This is in contrast to the threshold for vanishing of the first homology group, which was shown earlier by Linial and Meshulam to be $p = 2 \log(n)/n$. We use a variant of Gromov's local-to-global theorem for linear isoperimetric inequalities to show that when $p = O(n^{-1/2 -\epsilon})$ the fundamental group is word hyperbolic. Along the way we classify the homotopy types of sparse $2$-dimensional simplicial complexes and establish isoperimetric inequalities for such complexes. These intermediate results do not involve randomness and may be of independent interest.
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